WORLD IPV6 LAUNCH is 6 June 2012 - The Future is ForeverIPv6-only Test  |  Dual-Stack (IPv6 & IPv4) Test  |  IPv4-only TestWORLD IPV6 LAUNCH is 6 June 2012 - The Future is Forever
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Your address is .

Congratulations, you have connected to a server that will display your method of connectivity, either IPv6 (preferred) or IPv4 (old and crusty). This page is fairly plain and non-flashy for a reason -- decreased bandwidth for testing applications and devices that are using limited-bandwidth connectivity and/or limited support for advanced HTML/XHTML features.

You are connecting to this server via IPv4, your address being
It's time to step up to IPv6!
If you can't get native IPv6 transport from your ISP, please check into using a tunnel broker.  Click here to find a list of tunnel brokers.

I typically don't push stuff like this, but it's important that you share this information with your social contacts, especially if you are the trusted technical resource in your group. Please take a couple of seconds to click '+1' and 'Like' below so that your friends will get the message about the changes we are all facing with the depletion of IPv4.

To perform a pure IPv6 test, click on the IPv6-only Test link at the top of this page. If your browser times-out when trying to connect to this server then you do not have a valid IPv6 path to the server. This can happen for several reasons, but what I have heard most is that your client is using an address that is not globally routable on the Internet and therefore is not actually making the connection to this server. Your client is IPv6-capable but doesn't know that it's limited to your local network. This is the worst-case at this point because you are able to use DNS to find the IPv6 address of this server based on the hostname (resolving the AAAA record) and likely have a IPv6 default route on your client that points to your router, but there is no (or unreliable) connectivity beyond your router.

If your browser returns an error that the host cannot be found then the DNS servers you are using don't know how to look up the address of the server based on the hostname (they are unable to resolve the AAAA DNS record). If you are using DNS server addresses provided by your ISP then please ring them up and ask them to fix ASAP. If you are using your local gateway/router for DNS then either your router isn't capable and/or the forwarders used by your router (likely your ISP's servers) aren't capable. Still worth the effort to verify that your ISP is capable of resolving AAAA records and then you can focus on fixing your router either with new firmware or a new router.

If your browser is able to connect to the IPv6-only Test, yet using the Dual-Stack Test returns a page with a red box stating that you are using IPv4, then your browser and/or IP stack in your machine are preferring IPv4 over IPv6, which is undesired/broken behavior.

The Dual-Stack Test is meant to test whether your client is choosing IPv6 over IPv4 when making a connection to the server since it is known on the Internet with both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. The proper behavior of your client, assuming that the IPv6-only test works for you, is that the Dual-Stack Test would have an identical result to the IPv6-only test and confirming that you are preferring IPv6 over IPv4 when connecting to a dual-stack destination. If the result is a page with a red box stating that you are using IPv4, then your browser and/or IP stack are preferring IPv4 over IPv6, which is undesired/broken behavior.

Thanks for visiting, please recommend this site to your family, friends, and colleagues, and if you are able then please help them obtain IPv6 connectivity.


Contact me here if you have any issues with this site.
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